Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

Dependants' Grants for HE Students

If you’re a full-time HE student you might be able to get extra financial help if you have children or an adult who depends on you financially.

Guide on Financial Support for Part-Time HE Students

This guide is for new and continuing part-time students who started their course on or after 1 September 2012.

HE Student Finance Explained for Parents

While studying at university or college on an higher education programme your child will have two main costs — tuition fees and living costs, including accommodation.

Foundation Degree Frequently Asked Questions

East Durham College in partnership with the University of Sunderland offer a number of Foundation Degrees. But what is a Foundation Degree? Here’s a few ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ to give you a better idea.

How to Apply to Higher Education Courses

All applications for entry to full-time Foundation Degrees and Top Up Honours Degrees must be through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

University of Sunderland Scholarships

Are you concerned about tuition fees and how to afford university? The University of Sunderland offers a number of scholarship packages which - subject to your eligibility - can be used to reduce the pressure on your finances.

East Durham College's Enterprise Advisor

Elouise Leonard-Cross, Head of People Strategy & Experience at Northumbrian Water is the college's Enterprise Advisor. Click here for more information.

ED6 Roadmap

Which route would suit you? Depending on your GCES results, ED6 can offer you a number of different pathways.

Report & Support

At East Durham College we are committed to promoting diversity and equality, and to providing a supportive and inclusive environment. We want to encourage our staff and students to report bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, hate crime, assault or discrimination by using this quick and simple reporting tool.

Information, Advice & Guidance Statement of Service

Our aim is to offer a customer focused service, which is convenient for all clients to access and provide up to date, comprehensive and impartial information, advice and guidance.