Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

EDC Students' Union Elections

All students at East Durham College are automatically members of the Students’ Union and have the opportunity to apply to stand as the next EDC Students' Union President and Vice President.

Additional Learning Support (ALS)

We have a dedicated team of Learner Support staff who provide a highly effective support network across the college. We aim to provide high quality support to students with learning difficulties and disabilities to assist in the delivery of a quality learning experience.

Enrichment Programmes at EDC

Get more out of your time at East Durham College with a range of enrichment activities, including clubs, societies, sport and competitions!

About Positive Steps Nursery

At Positive Steps Day Nursery, we strive to create a safe, secure and homely environment, giving children the best possible start in life.

Funding for Children at Positive Steps Nursery

Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could be eligible for government help for childcare.

Curriculum at Positive Steps Nursery

At Positive Steps, your child's development is at the heart of what we do. That's why we follow a curriculum designed to get the best out of your child during their time with us.

Meet the Staff - Positive Steps Nursery

Meet the team here at Positive Steps Nursery!

Course Fees & Funding

Want more information on the way courses are funded and related fees at EDC? Click here!

Apply Online for Financial Support Via Pay My Student

You can now apply online for financial support and student bursary from East Durham College via our Pay My Student portal.

Work Experience Subsidised Travel

In addition to our free bus service, we can also offer eligible students reimbursement on travel costs to their work experience placements.