Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

University of Sunderland Students' Union

The University of Sunderland Students' Union is run by students for students and is a separate organisation from the University.

University of Sunderland Travel Info

Please visit the University of Sunderland website for loads of helpful information on how to get to the University.

Accommodation at University of Sunderland

The University have a range of modern, purpose-built accommodation and aim to provide new students with a single study-bedroom in University accommodation for their first year in Sunderland.

External Examiner Programme Reports

For details relevant to HE students on any HE programme we delivery in partnership with University of Sunderland, please visit their website's External Examiners section.

Complaints Procedure - University of Sunderland Courses

To whom Higher Education students on University of Sunderland franchised courses initially complain depends on who is providing the service you are complaining about.

Widening Participation to Higher Education

East Durham College has a firm commitment to widening participation to higher education

An Introduction to HE Student Finance

Choosing higher education has many benefits.

Quick Guide to Full-Time HE Student Finance

You can find loads of up to date information and guides documents at The Student Room website.

Student Loans Company

The Student Loans Company (SLC) provides details of the Student Loans system which is part of the Government's financial support package for students.

Childcare Grant For HE Students (Full Time)

Find out about the extra student finance you can get if you’re a full-time HE student with children.