We’ve teamed up with Arriva North East to offer you free bus travel to get you to and from college. All you need to do is simply show your college ID badge to the Arriva driver when you get on the bus.
Your free travel is available to use on any Arriva bus during term-time, any time from Monday to Friday.
Academic Year 2024/25 - ED1, ED2, ED3, ED4 & ED5 Timetable & Route Maps
In addition to the standard Arriva network of services around the North East you can catch, Arriva also runs a number of special ED routes to make getting into East Durham College even easier.
You can view or download our current ED1 - ED5 bus timetable and general route maps here >>
To view detailed routes showing all the bus stop positions on the routes for the ED1, ED2, ED4 and ED5, please check out our ED Bus Service Google Maps route.
For more details and to look up general Arriva timetables, please visit the Arriva website >>
The Arriva App & General Network Timetables
To track your bus with real-time information and route updates, why not download the free ‘Arriva Bus’ App from the Google Play or the App store today.
Any Other Questions?
Please contact Student Services if you have any questions about the FREE bus service or the range of other student benefits we offer. Please use LiveChat, call 0191 518 8222 or email enquiries@eastdurham.ac.uk
Call Arriva's Student Travel Advice line on 0191 520 4144 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday) or email studentsne@arriva.co.uk.
Terms & Conditions
Students can travel free on any Arriva North East bus required to get to and from college sites and work placements, any time Monday to Friday, term time only.
Your I.D. Card remains the property of East Durham College and will not be valid if you no longer attend the College. Your I.D. Card must be returned to East Durham College if you no longer attend your course.
The College will only make payment(s) for term time, weekday travel to and from College to The transport provider. There is no cash value equivalent and this is non transferable.
Excludes students on full cost courses, such as dog grooming.
Buses used are not exclusive to East Durham College, these are part of the Arriva public transport network. All Arriva buses have CCTV installed.
Travel on Arriva is subject to the operators normal terms and conditions.
The operator retains the right to refuse travel. East Durham College reserves the right to withdraw your free travel entitlement at any time on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour either within college or while using the Arriva network.
In the event of poor behaviour on or damage to Arriva buses, East Durham College will work with Arriva and review CCTV and students may be subject to East Durham College disciplinary procedure.
If you have any questions regarding bus routes and timetables please visit the Arriva website>> or call their Customer Service team on 0344 800 44 11 (standard landline rate). To track your bus download the Arriva app from the play store or app store.