Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

Help With Childcare Costs for Students Aged 20+

Available to eligible students with a household income of £50,000 or less, who are aged 20+ and funded from the Adult Skills Fund from the ESFA/Combined Local Authority or the Advanced Learner Loan.

About Positive Steps Nursery

At Positive Steps Day Nursery, we strive to create a safe, secure and homely environment, giving children the best possible start in life.

Funding for Children at Positive Steps Nursery

Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could be eligible for government help for childcare.

Meet the Staff - Positive Steps Nursery

Meet the team here at Positive Steps Nursery!

Care to Learn

Care to Learn aims to provide financial support to teenage mothers and fathers who want to continue their education or training and need help with the cost of their childcare and travel expenses.

Assistance with Childcare

Many students have young children, a fact that often makes attendance at college difficult. So to make things easier, there are some financial support offers available to eligible students.