Huge Success for East Durham College Students and Staff at Peter Jones Enterprise Academy Awards
A trio of talented Peter Jones Business and Enterprise Academy students and their lecturer from East Durham College are celebrating after success at this year’s Peter Jones Enterprise Academy Award Ceremony.
Posted 02/02/2022
Four In A Row - East Durham College Rated ‘GOOD’ In Glowing Report From Ofsted
East Durham College is delighted to announce it has been graded as ‘GOOD’ for the fourth inspection in a row, following a rigorous four-day full inspection by Ofsted; with an outstanding rating for behaviour and attitudes.
Posted 17/11/2021
ED6 Student Callum Watson Reflects on His Time At East Durham Sixth Form
Callum has been an exemplary student while at ED6. He studied four A Levels - Computer Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and Further Mathematics - and when it came to results day this year, he couldn't believe it when he opened his envelope to find he'd achieved an A* in every subject he studied.
Posted 01/09/2021
100% A Level Pass Rate for the 6th Consecutive Year
East Durham College Sixth Form, ED6, Students Achieve a 100% Pass Rate for the 6th Consecutive Year!!
Posted 19/08/2021
Floristry In Bloom at East Durham College’s Houghall Campus
After a couple of years quite unlike any other, it looks like more and more people are revaluating their career goals and turning their attention towards a career change and for many, that’s in the field of floristry.
Posted 17/07/2021
East Durham College Announces Range of Apprenticeships with Sunderland City Council
East Durham College is partnering with Sunderland City Council to offer apprenticeships in a range of land-based disciplines.
Posted 13/07/2021
Jackson Unlocks an Exciting Future After an Apprenticeship with EDC
EDC apprentice Jackson Black has had a passion for horses since a young age and having completed his studies as an apprentice with EDC, he’s off for an exciting future.
Posted 09/07/2021
Family Affair for Advantex Technology Apprenticeships
It’s becoming a family business at Advantex as company founders Dave O’Connell and Steve O’Connell welcome their own sons to the team as apprentices.
Posted 07/06/2021