Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills Sept 2025

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Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills Sept 2025

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Course overview

It is aimed at learners who wish to continue to become qualified counsellors. It can also be useful for those wanting to enhance their current role if that role consists of communicating on a one to one basis or which involves a lot of interactions with people i.e. mentors, coaches, teachers, social workers, nurses etc.

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Unit 1: Developing Counselling Skills
• Building on the core counselling skills from level 2
• Practising establishing and developing a counselling relationship
• Being able to effectively use core counselling skills
• Practising concluding a counselling relationship

Unit 2: Theoretical Approaches in the use of Counselling Skills
• Evaluating key elements of counselling theories like psychodynamic, humanistic and cognitive behavioural therapy and understanding the significance of the theories to counselling practice

Unit 3: Working Ethically with Counselling Skills
• Gaining an understanding of the context in which counselling and referral processes are made while maintaining ethical standards

Unit 4: Counselling Skills and Diversity
• The implications of applying counselling skills in a diverse society

Unit 5: Counselling Skills and Personal Development
• Understanding how self reflection contributes to personal development
• Understanding how you react with others

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Job opportunities after this course

It is aimed at learners who wish to continue to become qualified counsellors. It can also be useful for those wanting to enhance their current role if that role consists of communicating on a one to one basis or which involves a lot of interactions with people i.e. mentors, coaches, teachers, social workers, nurses etc.

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Further study options after this course

Level 4/5

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Entry requirements

A level 2 qualification in counselling is required as well as a level 2 qualification in English and Maths.

Our entry requirements are in place to support our students in achieving the qualifications they have chosen to study. In addition to the entry requirements, all students will be regularly assessed by East Durham College at an early stage in their study programme. This is to ensure that students are enrolled onto courses which suit their abilities – following assessment, there may be occasions when students are transferred to a relevant course at a higher or lower level in order to ensure they are enrolled on to the right course for them to achieve and progress.

Entry onto any course at EDC may have entry requirements in addition to exam results; this includes but is not limited to DBS checks, references, fitness to practice and at times physical requirements to be capable of achieving the practical elements of the course without assistance. Entry onto any course at East Durham College is subject to final approval from the Assistant Principal.


How is this course assessed?

Portfolio of evidence to meet course outcomes.

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When does the course start?

September 2025.

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Length of course

23 weeks; 3 hours 15 mins each week, 5.45pm to 9pm.

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Fees & Funding

Please read our Course Fees & Funding page.
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How to apply

To apply online for this course, please click on the 'Apply' button at the top/bottom of this page.

Alternatively, if you need assistance with your application or you would like to apply over the phone or using a paper-based application form, please call Student Services on 0191 743 0149.

If you're not quite ready to apply for this course and would like some more information or to speak to a member of staff then please click on the 'Enquire' button at the top/bottom of this page.

Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills Sept 2025


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