This practical hands-on course is perfect for you if you want to pursue a career working within the countryside and wildlife sector. It is an ideal qualification if you are intending to progress directly to employment within the countryside sector or on to a countryside apprenticeship.
This course will help you develop a comprehensive overview of the countryside, wildlife and conservation industry. It encompasses practical techniques, technical skills and core knowledge.
Thinking about joining the army? Or the navy? Considering becoming a police officer? Or fire fighter? If you're thinking about a career in the uniformed public services, this action-packed course is full of practical work and exciting trips that will prepare you for work in the industry.
This course focuses on applying principles from the first year of the Level 3 course to specific habitat management and looks into practices that can be used to manage these specific habitats. There is also a theme of planning for and addressing countryside access, recreation and tourism into habitat management activities.
This Level 3 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services course is ideal if you are thinking of pursuing a careers in policing, fire and rescue or any of the military services.
You could go on to study a wide range of healthcare, nursing and midwifery degrees at university with East Durham College's Access to HE diploma. You may also progress to other related courses such as operating department practitioner, occupational health or social work, taught part-time on evenings or daytime.
Are you interested in a career as a paramedic, an ambulance driver or an emergency care assistant? Then this is the course to start for you to kickstart your career path!
You could go on to study a wide range of degrees at university with East Durham College's Access to HE diploma, taught part-time on an evening or daytime.
You could go on to study a wide range of healthcare, physiotherapy, occupational health degrees at university with East Durham College's Access to HE diploma, taught part-time on an evening.