Distance Learning - Information, Advice or Guidance (Level 2 Certificate) 2024-25

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Distance Learning - Information, Advice or Guidance (Level 2 Certificate) 2024-25

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Course overview

For many businesses, being able to offer clear and accurate information, advice or guidance - and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally - is really important. If you give information, advice or guidance as part of your role, this 15 week course can help you brush up on your skills and make sure you're aware of the fundamental rules for successful information sharing. This fully online course covers communication techniques, interpersonal skills and group interactions, as well as how to store and retrieve information in a way that complies with the law.

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• Explore communication techniques
• Study how values, attitudes and beliefs can affect interactions
• Develop interaction and interpersonal skills
• Learn how information, advice or guidance can be explored
• Learn how group interaction can be utilised
• Manage information, including storage and retrieval
• Learn how to comply with the law

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Job opportunities after this course

This 15 week Level 2 course in Information, Advice or Guidance will help with personal development and would lead to careers in Business and Management. Careers such as;

School Business Manager (£25,000 to £55,000)
Business Analyst (£30,000 to £70,000)
Horticultural Manager (£18,000 to £40,000)

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Entry requirements

Please see the distance learning introductory page to check your eligibility: https://edc.ac.uk/study/distance-learning


How is this course assessed?

• you can complete your course online, by paper or online with paper resources
• we'll process your enrolment, and a tutor will be assigned to support you through your course, their contact details are in the joining instruction email
• an email containing your joining instructions will be sent, this email will contain your start and end date, submission dates. If completing online you will be advised of the weblink and your unique username for you to log into the e-assessor portal. If completing by paper you will still receive a joining instruction email and your paper resources will be posted out to you.
• if you need any guidance on your course content please contact your tutor direct.
• you will receive text reminders throughout your course
• your feedback from your tutor will either be online via e-assessor (located in my portfolio) or via email if completing by paper.

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When does the course start?

The course starts when you have received your joining instruction email containing your start, submission target dates and tutor contact details.

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Length of course

You have 15 weeks from enrolling to complete your course, this duration includes tutor feedback, internal verification and processing and your first assessment is due within 6 weeks of your start date.

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How to apply

To apply online for this course, please click on the 'Apply' button at the top/bottom of this page.

Alternatively, if you need assistance with your application or you would like to apply over the phone or using a paper-based application form, please call Student Services on 0191 743 0149.

If you're not quite ready to apply for this course and would like some more information or to speak to a member of staff then please click on the 'Enquire' button at the top/bottom of this page.

Distance Learning - Information, Advice or Guidance (Level 2 Certificate) 2024-25


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