WBL Level 5 Learning and Skills Teacher 2024-25

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WBL Level 5 Learning and Skills Teacher 2024-25

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Course overview

What is the Level 5 Learning & Skills Teacher Apprenticeship?

- It is aimed at anyone who currently works in the post-compulsory education sector delivering vocational education and training.
- The Level 5 Learning & Skills Teacher is recognised as fully DET compliant by the Department of Education.

Who does the Level 5 Learning & Skills Teacher allow me to teach?

- Further Education and Skills Sector (FES) aged 16 and above.
- Teachers may teach 14–16-year-olds in alternative provision or SEND.
- FE colleges, independent training providers (ITPs), Adult Community Learning (ACL) providers or offender learning.
- Delivered at a range of levels including essential skills generally up to Level 3 including, academic, vocational and technical education, some teachers may deliver subjects up to post-graduate level.
- Academic and technical subject/sector areas, technical and vocational as well as academic experience and qualifications

What knowledge, skills and behaviours are required to achieve Level 5 Learning & Skills Teacher?

Consists of: 20 Knowledge Statements 25 Skills 6 Behaviours.
As well as: 9 Duties.

Where will I collate evidence against the Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours?

- All evidence will be submitted to One File and matched against relevant K,S, B,s.
- The portfolio of evidence must be submitted to the EPAO at the gateway.

What evidence can I use for each Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours?

- Workplace documentation, for example workplace policies/procedures, records.
- Witness statements.
- Annotated photographs or video clips (maximum total duration 10 minutes).
- Case studies.
- Lesson plans, materials used and evaluations.

This is not a definitive list; other evidence sources are possible.

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What will I learn as part of the Level 5 Learning & Skills Teacher?

Learning Cycle & Lesson Structure
Evidence Based Learning Theory
Assessment Methods
Behaviour Management
Embedding of Maths & English
eLearning ILT
Teaching & Learning Strategies
Resource Design
SEND E&D Inclusion
Continued Professional Development
Coaching & Mentoring Skills

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Job opportunities after this course

What are the job opportunities following achievement?

- Further Education and Skills Sector (FES) aged 16 and above.
- Teachers may teach 14–16-year-olds in alternative provision or SEND.
- FE colleges, independent training providers (ITPs), Adult Community Learning (ACL) providers or offender learning.
- Delivered at a range of levels including essential skills generally up to Level 3 including, academic, vocational and technical education, some teachers may deliver subjects up to post-graduate level.
- Academic and technical subject/sector areas, technical and vocational as well as academic experience and qualifications.

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Further study options after this course

What are the progression routes following completion of the Level 5 L&S Teacher?

- Level 6 Teacher
- Level 7 Academic Professional

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Entry requirements

To qualify for the apprenticeship standard, you must:

- Be in employment minimum 30 Hours.
- Have a significant teaching or training role (12 Hours per week minimum).
- Have achieved Level 2 in Maths & English and can show proof of attainment.


How is this course assessed?

How will I be assessed at the end point?

The EPA process consists of two assessment processes:

Assessment method 1 – Component 1: Lesson observation delivery 
Assessment method 1 – Component 2: Professional dialogue delivery

Assessment method 2 –Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence 

What are the grades following end point assessment?

Assessment method 1.
Observation: lesson observation and professional dialogue: Fail • Pass • Distinction.

Assessment method 2.
Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence: Fail • Pass • Distinction.

Performance in these end-point assessment methods will determine the overall apprenticeship standard grade of: Fail • Pass • Distinction.

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When does the course start?

The course starts mid September.

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Length of course

How long do I have to complete the Level 5 Learning & Skills Teacher Apprenticeship?

Typical duration to gateway: 18 months (this does not include EPA period).

What is the mode of delivery?

One evening a week 5.30pm to 8.30pm, Term Time Only, plus 3 Hours off-the-job training.

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Fees & Funding

Please read our Course Fees & Funding page.
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How to apply

To apply online for this course, please click on the 'Apply' button at the top/bottom of this page.

Alternatively, if you need assistance with your application or you would like to apply over the phone or using a paper-based application form, please call Student Services on 0191 743 0149.

If you're not quite ready to apply for this course and would like some more information or to speak to a member of staff then please click on the 'Enquire' button at the top/bottom of this page.

WBL Level 5 Learning and Skills Teacher 2024-25


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