Enrichment Programmes at EDC

Get more out of your time at East Durham College with a range of enrichment activities, including clubs, societies, sport and competitions!


This strategy outlines the enrichment opportunities for all learners at East Durham College.  The emphasis is on personal development, inclusion, and engagement in a variety of activities and experiences that complement the curriculum.

These enrichment opportunities will be in addition to the Sporting Academies (In Football, Rugby, Boxing, Basketball, Dance and Cricket) which are available to all learners across all sites, but of a more competitive nature.


East Durham College is committed to providing a wide range of enrichment opportunities for all learners across all sites.  These opportunities will help to improve the holistic educational experience by providing learners with skills, knowledge and interests that will enhance their learning.


  • East Durham College will provide a diverse range of enrichment activities such as clubs, societies, workshops, trips, and excursions that are designed to complement our main curriculum and promote personal development.
  • East Durham College will continue to provide learners with competitive opportunities to build resilience within the Sporting Academies.
  • All enrichment activities will be safe, inclusive, and appropriate for all learners.
  • East Durham College will provide the necessary resources and environment to ensure all enrichment opportunities are meaningful.
  • East Durham College will provide opportunities for students to give feedback about enrichment activities and make necessary improvements.

East Durham College - Sporting Academies

The sporting academies are based at the following sites and on the below timetable of training and match days:

Football / Basketball / Boxing – at Willerby Grove

Rugby – at Houghall

Cricket – in Partnership with Durham University Castle at Maiden Castle

Training Timetable:

Monday: 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Tuesday: 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Wednesday Gameday: 1pm – 5pm

Thursday: Bespoke Strength and Conditioning sessions

Friday: 2pm-4pm

Dance sessions are determined by the Creative Industries timetable, which is produced and ready for implementation prior to each academic year.

The sporting academies offers then chance to play competitive sport at college level, training with national qualified coaches and competing in leagues and competitions against other colleges. 

These academies are open to all learners regardless of their course.  Furthermore, all academies with the exception of Rugby are open to all ages.

In addition to the Sporting Academy competitions, we also offer the opportunity for learners to enter regional competitions in a number of individual sports.  These competitions are hosted by the AoC and can lead to national championships. 

East Durham College – Enrichment for all

As part of the enrichment programme, various activity-based sessions are planned and implemented at Houghall and Willerby Grove.  These sessions include, Football, Rugby, Circuit training and various fitness-based sessions.

Alongside the fitness-based sessions, there are various Clubs and Societies which have been organised and set up by learners and available for all at all sites.  These sessions fit around timetables and examples of such are, are Dungeons and Dragons,

All enrichment sessions outlined above are designed to help with a range of competencies that will support learners in their next steps and future careers.  Such competencies include Leadership, teamwork, Independence, communication, and Resilience among others.

Staff Enrichment

Sporting activities, such as Badminton, Table-tennis and multisport are available for staff twice per week at Willerby Grove.  These sessions are available to all staff across all sites and are scheduled after working hours from 5pm-6pm.

Further details on Impact Gym and class timetable.

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