Aerial shot of East Durham College's Peterlee campus main campus building
Stuart Mckenzie

Stuart Mackenzie

Stuart is a former EDC student who is now a professor at Oxford University.

Please watch the video below to hear from former East Durham College student Stuart Mackenzie on how EDC helped him on his career path and the incredible success he has gone on to achieve as a professor at the University of Oxford.

After leaving college, Stuart did a degree in Physics and Chemistry at Leeds University and then read for a DPhil in Physical Chemistry at Magdalen College at the University of Oxford.

Stuart worked as a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow in Boulder, Colorado, USA and then as a Ramsay Memorial Fellow back in Oxford. His first permanent academic job was at the University of Warwick before going to the University of Cambridge.

He finally returned to Magdalen as Tutorial Fellow in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and is now Professor of Chemistry and Head of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry in the department of Chemistry.

From The Archives

We were thrilled to find a copy of a leaflet promoting A-level success at the college from the early 1990s which featured a write-up on Stuart.

Stuart Mackenzie and other students in old newspaper clipping with group of students stood outside a building with the sign Peterlee College Howletch

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