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Kyle Stanforth

Kyle Stanforth

Kyle gained a 2:1 and completed his Masters in Industrial Biology at Newcastle University before completing a PhD.

Here we interviewed Newcastle University student Kyle Stanforth, who was reading BSc (Hons) in Biology (Cellular & Molecular Biology), about his time at East Durham Sixth Form (ED6), studying his A-levels and his ambitions for the future.

Kyle gained a 2:1 and completed his Masters in Industrial Biology at Newcastle University before completing a PhD.

Why did you decide on study at ED6?

At the time ED6 was a newly formed sixth form, so when I joined I knew I was going to be part of the first ever year at ED6, which was really exciting. This heavily influenced my choice as I knew that this meant the staff would work extra hard to ensure the first set of students at ED6 achieved a high pass rate. So that, the fact the College has an amazing sports centre and the recommendations I had gotten from friends, who had previously studied at East Durham College, swung it for me.

What did you enjoy about ED6 and the A levels you studied?

ED6 gave me some of the best years of my life, I loved it there.

The other students were the best group anyone could wish to meet, not forgetting the staff too. The staff are some of the friendliest people I have ever met, always seeking to help you out no matter what the circumstances. Of course, at the same time they really push you to achieve the best you can. That’s the mentality that led to me getting good grades but also having a wonderful time. My lecturers were Dr. Avis Mastin, Michael Taylor and Christine Sowerby and I must say, I could not have asked for a better teacher for any of my subjects. If it were not for them, I wouldn’t be in the position that I am now.

The facilities in the College are great. There is a huge library which hosts a large selection of books and computers for when you need to study. When you need to relax there is the ED6 common room, where I spent most of my spare time. The gym is free, which is great as you have the opportunity to go there in your free periods if you wish. The cafeteria is also great with a wide selection of food of a high standard which changes every day - particularly remembering ‘Fishy Friday’ where there would be fish and chips for dinner, loved that!

What do you think about studying at a Russell Group university like Newcastle?

Uni so far has been an amazing experience. It’s hard work but the social life is unbelievable. I would advise anyone who wants to go to uni to come to Newcastle University.

What do you think your long term career goals are?

My immediate goal is to successfully complete my four year degree in cellular and molecular biology, then continue on at university in order to get a PhD. Then I would like to go into the research of serious diseases and illnesses, such as cancer. I would also like to become a teacher at some point.

We are thrilled you enjoyed your time at ED6. What would you say to someone else thinking about joining?

Anyone thinking of joining ED6 should not have to think twice about it. ED6 is such a great place to go - I had the greatest time while I was there and I would advise everyone who wants to get a brilliant education, whilst also having an amazing time at college, to go to ED6.

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