Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

Help With Childcare Costs for Students Aged 20+

Available to eligible students with a household income of £50,000 or less, who are aged 20+ and funded from the Adult Skills Fund from the ESFA/Combined Local Authority or the Advanced Learner Loan.

Financial Support for Students (Overview)

Regardless of your ambition, finances should not be a barrier. Depending on your age, circumstances, and household income, we have various financial support options available to help you while you're studying with us.

Student Benefits Package (16-18)

We want to make coming to college as affordable as possible for you. Click here for more information on how we support our students aged 16-18.

Bursaries for Defined Vulnerable Groups (16-18 and 16-24 with an EHCP)

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.

Progression Coaches

Want more information on contacting our progression coaches? Please click here.

Course Fees & Funding

Want more information on the way courses are funded and related fees at EDC? Click here!

Apply Online for Financial Support Via Pay My Student

You can now apply online for financial support and student bursary from East Durham College via our Pay My Student portal.

Work Experience Subsidised Travel

In addition to our free bus service, we can also offer eligible students reimbursement on travel costs to their work experience placements.

Uniform, Kit & Equipment Discounts

We offer eligible students discounts off their college uniform, kit and essential equipment.

EDC Uniform, PPE & Kit Online Store

A number of our courses require students to purchase uniform, protective clothing and/or specialist equipment.