ED6 Year 11 February Half Term Taster Day

Pathways Information Session

The event starts at 9am with an important information update on our brand-new Pathways programme here at ED6. 

Parents are encouraged to attend this first hour if they are available.

Discover STEM (Science, Technology & Maths)

STEM is an approach to education that focuses on the physical sciences to develop critical thinking skills and improve problem-solving abilities. These skills are essential for high-paying careers in science, medicine, finance, engineering, and veterinary science amongst many others.

Maths - JamiePhysics - PaulLunch BreakChemistry - Wanda & PaulComputer Science - JulieBiology - Donna

Discover SHAPE (Social Science, Humanities & Arts)

SHAPE is a collective name for the social sciences, humanities and the arts – subjects that help us make sense of the human world, to value and express the complexity of life and culture, and to understand and solve global issues. SHAPE skills are particularly valuable to the 21st-century workplace – analysis, interpretation, creation, communication, and collaboration.

Politics - AlanaMedia & Films Studies - RichieLunch BreakPsychology - HannahAccounting - GailEnglish- Amelia

Not all subjects will be available on the day but if you are interested in A-level Economics, History, Sociology, Business and Law have a chat with the ED6 team, and we will be able to provide you with information regarding these subjects.

We hope you have a smashing day with us – if there is anything that you are not sure about then make sure you ask. College staff can be identified by the lime green lanyard that holds their College Badge.

Other Key Locations

ED6 Student Study Room – can be found on the Ground floor in the LRC.

ED6 Progression Coaches, Charlotte and Michelle, will be available throughout the day in S058, if you have any pastoral matters you would like to discuss with them.

Last modified: 26/03/2025