Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

Report & Support

At East Durham College we are committed to promoting diversity and equality, and to providing a supportive and inclusive environment. We want to encourage our staff and students to report bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, hate crime, assault or discrimination by using this quick and simple reporting tool.

Information, Advice & Guidance Statement of Service

Our aim is to offer a customer focused service, which is convenient for all clients to access and provide up to date, comprehensive and impartial information, advice and guidance.

East Durham College - College Charter Statement

The College Charter is a transparent agreement between the College and its learners. It communicates clearly what learners can expect from the College and vice versa.

East Durham College - Student Charter Statement

Our Student Charter sets out our commitments to you and what we ask of you in return, so that together we can make EDC a great place to study and learn.

Additional Learning Support (ALS)

We have a dedicated team of Learner Support staff who provide a highly effective support network across the college. We aim to provide high quality support to students with learning difficulties and disabilities to assist in the delivery of a quality learning experience.

Careers Advice Service (Overview)

At East Durham College, we don’t just think about your time with us. Our courses, and everything we do, is designed to help you with making a career for yourself.

Careerometer - Find Your Career!

The Careerometer tool can be used to explore and compare key information about different occupations to help you in the the process of identifying potential careers you may wish to pursue

EDC Counselling & Therapy Services

East Durham College's counselling/therapeutic service is an essential part of the services we offer to all our students to support them whilst they are studying with us.

Uniform, Kit & Equipment Discounts

We offer eligible students discounts off their college uniform, kit and essential equipment.

Keeping Safe Online

When working and interacting online, it's important that you take steps to ensure your safety at all times.