Terms and Conditions
We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our members.
The needs of our Students are paramount, the usage of facilities by the students is incidental to the College main activity ie the provision of education. Therefore, any College commitment or events held by the College may result in the closure of the above, however, a refund will be given or an alternative rearranged session will be offered. Information will be displayed at the Reception with prior notice of any closure of the above facility.
The facility will be closed or open at reduced opening times on Bank Holidays and during the Christmas holidays. You will be notified in advance of the opening schedule.
A membership agreement does not guarantee the availability of the use of fitness equipment or a place in a fitness class.
Sports Centre staff reserve the right to close the Fitness Suite, at any time, to meet Health & Safety requirements.
Codes of Conduct
- All members must show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.
- When attending Impact Health & Fitness you are accountable for your own behaviour.
The following behaviour is not acceptable to staff or other members:
- Behaviour which may be deemed dangerous and puts the physical safety of others at risk.
- Behaviour or language which discriminates on the grounds of race, gender, disability, nationality, religious or philosophical belief, age or sexual orientation.
- Behaviour which excludes other participants.
- Abusive or threatening language or behaviour.
- The College operates a zero tolerance to sexual harassment and any reported violations of this nature are taken very seriously. Sexual harassment is anything of a sexual nature that violates someone’s dignity or makes them feel intimidated, degraded, humiliated, offended or like they are in a hostile environment. For example, inappropriate comments, touching and jokes.
Members are encouraged to share any concerns or complaints that they may have, about any aspect of the gym with the Gym Manager, any complaints will then be escalated by the Gym Manager following the College Complaints procedure, email leanne.tinkler@eastdurham.ac.uk
Rules / Guidelines
In order to maintain a high standard of facilities within a safe environment and to ensure everyone's enjoyment, ALL members must abide by these rules otherwise membership may be withdrawn. The College reserve the right to change these from time to time, these will be displayed throughout the facility.
- ALL clients must attend an Induction Session before using the Fitness equipment
- Clients must wear appropriate footwear, tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a suitable T-shirt must be worn at all times. Combat trousers/shorts (with side pockets) will not be allowed.
- Any faults found must be reported immediately to the Sport Centre Staff.
- Mobile telephones must not be used whilst operating equipment and machinery.
Gym Memberships
- We reserve the right to cancel memberships for any reason that contravenes the college's Safeguarding policy.
- Due to the gym being part of an educational institution, and our Keeping Children Safe responsibilities, we require members to disclose any criminal convictions. The Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) will review the disclosure details and decide if your membership can be approved.
- Memberships can only be cancelled by a member of staff, you do not have the authority to cancel your membership through ClubRight.
- Please email sportscentrestaff@eastdurham.ac.uk or ring 0191 518 8310 to speak to a member of the team to cancel.
- Not attending the gym/classes does not mean your membership will automatically be cancelled, we will only cancel a membership if notified by the member.
Free Weights
- You must be aware of other users when executing any lifts ie have adequate space around you.
- Do not let the weight stacks bang down, lower them gently under control.
- Do not rest on the equipment between sets, especially during busy periods.
- All Dumb Bells and Free Weights must be returned to racks provided after use.
Cardiovascular and Machine Weights
- Do not hang your towel or items of clothing over the treadmills.
- Please use the paper towels and spray provided to wipe down the machines after use, do not leave perspiration on the machines.
- During peak times do not spend longer than 20 minutes on each machine.
In order to keep all gym members satisfied please could you ensure you adhere to the following:
- Please use the paper towel provided to wipe down the machine after you have used it.
- Anti-perspirants are used.
- Clean Gym attire is worn for every session.
- Gym gloves are changed/washed after every session.
- Use the hand sanitiser provided for hands and to clean the equipment after use.
- Members are advised to bring a water bottle to ensure sufficient fluid is consumed.
- No food is allowed in the gym.
Fire Procedure
- In the event of a fire, you will be asked to leave the building by a member of staff/fire marshal by the nearest fire exit.
- Once you have evacuated the building make your way to the car park area until it is safe to return to the building.