What it’s like to work for Orkney’s ambitious eradication project
Tucked away at the top of Scotland, the Orkney Islands are a haven for rare and vulnerable species of wildlife. It’s one of the few places in the UK where curlews are still a common breeding species, it’s supported nearly 20% of the UK’s breeding Hen Harriers, and its home to the Orkney Vole – a species found nowhere else in the world.
However, the recent invasion of invasive non-native stoats means Orkney is at risk of losing its incredible wildlife. Stoats are skilled hunters, big eaters, and prolific breeders. Globally, invasive non-native species have contributed to 40% of animal extinctions in the last 400 years. On islands, this number goes up to 60%.
The Orkney Native Wildlife Project is undertaking an incredible mission to remove stoats and restore the isles to the haven it once was!
Monique Scott shares her experience working on the largest eradication project of its kind anywhere in the world.
Why did you want to be part of the Orkney Native Wildlife Project?
I wanted to be outside! Originally, I was a graphic designer and noticed I was always drawing animals. It was like I had an itch I needed to scratch. Call me a hippie, but I wanted to get closer to nature and help wildlife thrive. So, I took some countryside management courses and scored a job as a ranger at the Derwent Reservoir, where I learnt about eradication techniques, wildlife monitoring, and trap placements. I got a taste for working in this world and I loved it! I’d actually found the Orkney trapper role on the Countryside Jobs Service website – read it, and it ticked all the boxes for what I was looking for!
What’s a day at the project like?
Every day I’m out in the field! In the morning I plan my routes and prep my bait, then head out to check and reset the traps. There’s also a bit of recording data from the day.
If I’m out deploying or moving traps, I’m reading the habitat and looking for runs stoats might use. Being out there is breathtaking - Orkney has a stunning diverse landscape to traverse through! You’ve got tussocks, bogs, wetlands, heathlands and dramatic coastlines. It’s like going on an intense nature walk every day! But I should say, it's not all a walk in the park. While sometimes you get wonderful clear days, on others you’re out there braving the ferocious Orkney elements! The terrain can take its toll – you fall over a few times, and the traps are especially heavy when they’re wet! But I’d always choose this over going back to sit behind a desk all day!
Is it difficult being part of an eradication project when you love nature and wildlife so much?
I actually really love stoats! They’re an amazing predator – just in the wrong place, so that’s why we need to do something to future-proof our wildlife. If I catch a stoat, I know I’ve made a difference. I’ve saved a bird’s nest somewhere out there. Without our help, a lot of species could decline rapidly.
What advice do you have for someone looking to get into similar conservation work?
Have a positive attitude! A great way in is through the residential volunteer scheme - The project looks for people to come up and build experience every six months. They’ll even give you a house to live in during the six months! It’s a great chance to fast-track your skills and a lot of people who’ve done it end up working here full-time!
Learn more about the Orkney Native Wildlife Project at orkneynativewildlife.org.
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