If you have a passion for caring for people, EDC is the perfect place for you to study. Our state-of-the-art facilities, including a realistic hospital training ward classroom, provide an excellent learning experience for aspiring nurses, midwives, childcare workers, and other healthcare professionals.
Our brand-new hospital and care training ward has been designed and built so our students can gain experience in a simulated real-life medical setting. The ward features fully-functioning replica hospital beds and hi-tech weighted life-like mannequins, allowing you to gain practical experience in moving patients of all types. To prepare you for your work placements and potential future careers, the facility also boasts hoists, commodes, toilets, and sinks.
Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to wear ear defenders and 'beer-googles' to understand how individuals with hearing or visual impairments experience the world. We also have some surprises in store that will give you an idea of what it's like to work with children and babies with specific medical conditions.
We can't reveal all of our secrets yet, so you'll just have to apply to find out!